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Week Fifteen

December 5, 2016

Aaron, Alexi, and Michaela presented their chapter about Arts Between the Wars. Our in-class activities and quizzes were collected for 10 participation points. Crystal then gave a review of all the previous presentations. Crystal reminded us that our portfolios are due Wednesday, December 07, before class. It must be posted on discussion. If we plan on participating in the consortium, we must let Crystal know before tomorrow. She again tells us to bring in personal artwork for extra points. I decide to bring in some and let her decide if she will use them or not. I find some old pieces from high school and a few sketches.

I will never understand how drawing such detailed hair is possible. For me, it would require a very large paper and very fine tipped pencil. Here are some tutorials I found: Key to Drawing Realistic Hair, How to Draw Realistic Hair , and How to Draw Realistic Hair: The Ultimate Tutorial

December 6, 2016

This morning, Crystal shared a video about the idea of equality. (Heres a link: She explains they were discussing it in her sociology class and how it has been a big part of conceptual and street art. (Such as Bansky, who makes art based on social issues. He has some very interesting artwork, if you take the time to look him up you won’t regret it.) The video she showed us was about an experiment about whether monkeys have a sense of equality or not. They tested this by continuously feeding monkey #1 grapes, but they only fed monkey #2 when he did a task. Not only that, but he was given a treat he didn’t like instead of grapes, which monkeys love. In the video, you clearly see monkey #2 watch monkey #1 eat the grapes, and throw his treat back when he gets it. After a while, he started screaming and making a fuss because he was mad he didn’t get the same treatment as monkey #1. The video also stated that some of the monkeys given grapes would refuse to eat them unless their monkey friend was also given grapes, proving they do have a sense of equality and fairness like humans. After the video, Abby and Melody presented Postwar Modern Art Movement. There wasn’t enough time, so they will continue the videos, activity, and quiz tomorrow.

This picture I love because its so cute and it shows how an animal pet can be our best friends.

December 7, 2016

Today was optional. The student Consortium is today from 11-1 pm.

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