Week Eleven
Monday, November 7, 2016
Today, the first two groups presented what they have currently finished in their project. We had half of our summary done, and Crystal helped us figure out how to condense it because we had so much even though we were barely through the chapter yet. We decided to put the summary into an outline with only a few basic keywords to describe things, as compared to having entire paragraphs going into detail. Afterwards, we went over the entire printmaking chapter in one class period. Crystal announced we will be doing in class quizzes for now on, instead of chapter tests like we have been doing throughout the class. I found a really interesting artist I enjoy. They paint dolls that look very realistic, and even makes wigs and outfits for each look. http://amadiz.deviantart.com/ . I love how each one is posed and given accessories that show emotion, making it look like a portrait photograph.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Today, Alyssa shared and Gabby H shared her Linocut artworks. Crystal shared what happened with politics, visual arts, and music. After that, we reviewed part of chapter 8 and then continued to begin discussing chapter 9: Photography. We will continue discussing it tomorrow, along with moving images (chapter 10). For participating in presentations today, those people received 5 points. Tonight, we need to work on the team projects which start next week (first 3 groups should have 70% done). NExt week, each group will present during class for 40 minutes to an hour. Also, journal's end next week, so make sure to complete it. This website has instructions on how to make Linocut art: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-Linocuts/